Jul. 10, 2020, 1pm ET
José Teodoro

The value of cultivating knowledge in your chosen artistic discipline is self-evident. To ignore the history and techniques of other disciplines, however, is to deny a great source of dynamism and innovation. This webinar with playwright and art critic José Teodoro will give you a broader sense of what art can do. By focusing on storytelling in cinema, literature and theatre, you will explore the myriad ways that artists glean inspiration from varied forms. Surveying artists such as Ingmar Bergman, Maggie Nelson, David Lynch, Ian Williams, and others, you’ll examine how curiosity and critical thinking merge in the creation of memorable works of art.
This event has passed. Registered students may still access the Replay.
Includes: Live 90-minute lesson with Q&A; a handy tip-sheet from your instructor; watch the webinar Replay anytime you want.
Meet the instructor Class Catalogue
Photo by Ximena Bereochea