Late Registration

Our summer semester is still in session, and you can still catch replays of those you missed


In addition to being notoriously tardy, are you also a jill-of-all-trades? Are you the type of writer who juggles multiple ideas for a bestseller, a hot take, and a Broadway musical?

Our summer semester is still in session, and you can still catch replays of the ones you missed by signing up for one of two Late Registration packages. Choose between the full enrollment—all 14 webinars—or the half-enrollment, which includes any 7 of the 14 summer classes by our faculty of accomplished poets, authors, and journalists.


Includes: 40–50% savings; access to any 7 or 14 past or upcoming classes you choose; unlimited Replays of each workshop; useful tip-sheets from each instructor to keep at hand.

Meet the Faculty Peruse the Class Catalogue