Replay: Tips for Multi-platform Success with Heather Greenwood Davis

Missed our summer session on diversifying your media career? Purchase a Replay and get unlimited streams of this class, plus a handy tip-sheet to guide you through your next assignment.
This workshop with Heather Greenwood Davis helps freelance storytellers get the most out of their ideas, stories, and expertise. Whether you’re moving from print to podcasts, podcasts to TV, TV to print, or shifting between genres, nimbleness is an essential quality for writers. Heather shares insight into her own career pivots—from journalist to lawyer to on-air personality—and offers tips for multi-platform success. She’ll walk you through her methods for shifting platforms, as well as finding the people you need to know and convincing them to take a chance on you. She’ll also address opportunities for building your passions into segment-worthy ideas for TV, radio, keynotes and podcasts, so you can get the most out of your stories.
This is not a live seminar. Purchase includes: password to access recorded summer session and a tip-sheet from the author to guide you through future projects.
Date: Jul. 7/20
Instructor: Heather Greenwood Davis
Length: 1hr 50 min.
Attachment: Multi-platform media career tip-sheet with access information for recorded tutorial
About the instructor: Heather Greenwood Davis is a contributing editor and on-air storyteller for National Geographic and a freelance feature writer for The Globe and Mail. After practicing law at a Bay Street firm, Heather ditched the courtroom for a career as a travel writer, and subsequently expanded into broadcast and public speaking. Heather also runs Globetrotting Mama, a family travel blog about the adventures she takes with (and without) her family, and was a founding member of Canadian Association of Black Journalists.